Am I Keeping Up with My Expansion?

May 10, 2024

3 min read

We all have thoughts, dreams, goals, and ambitions we aspire to. You have a dream life that you may imagine living or you wish to have. Think about your ideal life, ideal country, ideal amount in your bank account. Now think back to this present moment, how do you feel about those dreams?

Do you feel anxious or excited? Sad or happy? Good or bad? How good do you feel? How bad do you feel? This is a signal to let you know if you are keeping up with your expansion. The better you feel and the longer you can maintain that feeling, the more aligned you are with your ideal life. The worse you feel, the more disconnected you may be.

We all came into the world to be deliberate creators and manifest our desires. We have all done this before in the past, especially as kids. Think of anything you have ever wanted and worked towards without feeling bad about, it always manifests, doesn’t it?

Learning how to harness this power is the key to conscious manifestation and a stress-free life because you realize that all your desires are already manifested, you just need to be in the matching frequency to receive them.

The universe is mental.

I believe that we can manifest all things we desire, but it’s important to become the person that can manifest the things we desire.

Think about a billionaire. If they lost all their money, how long do you think it would take them to make it back? Probably very fast. Why is that? Their minds are used to abundance and they attract a lot of things naturally. It’s an energy they emit and the universe responds in equal proportion.

So if you aren’t currently living the life you desire, all you have to do is match your energy with that of your desire, maintain the feeling, and you know that you are on the right path.

I’m sure by now you think that this all sounds too good to be true. What about the contacts you need, the skills you need, the things you need to do to achieve the goal? Yes, all these are very important and you would definitely need to develop these over time because if you don’t, you will feel bad.

You see where I’m going at? When we create desire, we only feel good when we are aligned and working towards those desires. We all know how bad it feels when you know you need to be doing something but you are not.

The feeling is the secret.

While most people focus on the things to be done, I see this as a limited perspective because things, while important, are meaningless if we are not aligned with the feeling.

You are keeping up with your expansion when you feel great, amazing, happy, inspired. The days feel amazing, you don’t need any physical manifestations of the desires to feel like this. You feel like this because you know you are in alignment.

It’s important to take moments in time during the day to check up with how you are feeling and ask yourself, "Am I keeping up with my expansion?"

Thank you for reading.

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