Becoming an Egoist - Building a Personal Brand

May 2, 2024

3 min read

A personal who is self-centered and focused primarily on their own needs and desires.

3 Years ago I was running a digital brand and company, Senpai, and I had built the brand and community to over 2000 members. I was running design cohorts and selling digital products and services. But there was a problem, my brand was better than me in every way, ok maybe it wasn’t but I had no personal brand. My entire online persona was tied to an external brand that wasn’t me.

So why was this a problem? Well for one no one really knew me, or what I actually did. I had no personal career path or authority and I had to limit my filter to the voice of the brand. While this can work in most cases, I had the desire to be the solo value creator of my life, Me, over any brand I create. I should have the most leverage not the brand.

At the time I was listening to people like Gary Vee and was observing how his personal brand was the top of the funnel to literally all his business, same as Elon Musk… etc. The most successful people in the world are egoists and use their personal brand as a massive lever to get things done, I knew what I had to do… I decided to drop all things and adopt a new strategy of going all in on myself first!!

To go from 0 - 1, a player has to define themselves as a striker.

I decided to become a striker, I want the people to scream my name when I make my wins, I want my name to show as the creator of the things I build, not some brand. So yeah, I took a break from Senpai and spent the next few years self-developing all areas of my life I could develop.

  1. Physical
  2. Social
  3. Financial
  4. Career
  5. Spiritual

Having hit my initial goals in all of this with financial goals in the process of being hit. I'm approaching the same energy levels I had when working on Senpai and in some ways I feel I’m about to surpass it.

Ego isn’t just a sense of self-importance but a driving force and should fuel your ambitions and desires.

Build a personal brand

It’s important to build a personal brand because it can give you leverage forever and even after your death. So that’s what I'm focusing on. But what is a personal brand? Well, my definition is:

A personal brand is the story of how you got to where you are, where you are going, and the values and lessons you learned along the way.

It’s about highlighting your key strengths, values, and perspective on the world which is unique to just you. This would turn attract people who resonate with your values and might be interested in learning about how you overcame certain struggles or how you might be able to help them to the same. This is the pathway for the solo creator on the internet. This isn’t necessary if you just want to work a 9-5 job, this is for those who wish to build life on their terms on the internet. For the true Egoist.

This website was designed and built with ❤️ by Henry Ikoh

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